Alternative Learning

Whole person focussed learning for all ages.
"Life is learning, Learning is Life." - Jennifer Althaus, founder of Orange Elephants Creative Minds.
Ditch the formal curriculum and have fun with learning. Orange Elephants Creative Minds flips the coin on mainstream learning using activities, games and visual resources to help individuals achieve academically.
Our founder Jennifer Althaus is a mum of three children who never attended mainstream school, instead being unschooled (homeschooled). Two of her children have a diagnosis of Autism. Both have high anxiety and depression, with her daughter having an intellectual impairment. Jennifer believes learning does not start at school age nor does it end when we cease academic learning. Life is a learning journey. Everything we do is a learning opportunity.
As a western culture we are expected to fit a learning mould that is not made for outside of the box thinkers. It is a mould of verbal instructions, worksheets and exams. The learning environment is a fast paced world full of overwhelming sensory stimuli. The autistic community is welcome but they must fit in.
We all learn at our own pace and in our own way. Our staff understand the learning styles of autism, assessing the learning style and interests of the individuals and putting them together for successful outcomes.
Learning is not age related. We are always learning and acquiring new skills. Our staff understand the challenges of learning to read, write or understand basic mathematics that comes with being different. We help all ages achieve their goals.
Our Creative Wellness and Education Centre, located in Molendinar Qld, welcomes all ages.
Online sessions are available for those outside of the Gold Coast area.
Contact us today to discuss your learning needs.